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Uma das formas mais modernas de provar que você está preparado para o vestibular é a matrícula no ensino médio, e as provas anteriores. Se você quer garantir as melhores notas desse período, adquira um registro na internet e siga os passos para testes online simulados da Anpac. To create a book report on a book you’ve just read, the first thing you need to do is pick a good title for your report. You can then use that title as the basis for your summary and introduction sentences. The rest of the book report will flow smoothly from there. Follow these steps to pick a title. 1) Carefully read through your book, looking for great places in your story where you could use some humor. Look for good jokes that are used throughout the story by characters in the story when they are talking to each other. These are often the most memorable parts of the story, and when readers find them funny, they remember them for a long time after they’ve finished reading your book. As an example of this, think about all the times you’ve laughed while watching TV sitcoms like Seinfeld or The Office . 2) Think about the best title you can think of for your book report. Read over it aloud to yourself. Make sure it has no more than five words or so, because titles are often repeated throughout your book, and longer ones are very hard to remember. Also, try to avoid using any sort of multi-syllable word that could be confused with other words in the title. Examples are “Good Night Moon” “The Cat in the Hat” , or “Gulliver’s Travels” . 3) Look through your book for other interesting facts. Many times you might find facts about the characters, the setting, or perhaps something important to the plot. Don’t rely on Wikipedia though; remember that other students are doing this too, and other students probably know more than you do. What’s more likely is that someone will just copy off Wikipedia and then you’ll be one of many people who have written about the same topic. Don’t do this to yourself! Find facts not mentioned on Wikipedia . 4) Read your title out loud several times until it is understandable to you without reading it again! Think of what the title means in relation to what your book is about. 5) Go ahead and complete your book report with your title as the beginning. You can then start writing the body of the report, and then you’ll be done! Books are a fantastic way to encourage kids to read more. However, they can be expensive and time consuming to buy, especially if your child loses or damages them. That's why it is a good idea to consider checking out books from the library instead. Borrowing books from the library is easy and convenient; you do not have to make special visits to a store for this purpose.




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